After the sun has set

First run to the top of Maungawhau since November. A good run; partly because it's a run I like to do, and partly because I managed it without major difficulty as I am still stiff and sore from the tumble two weeks ago. The physio tells me that the thigh pain is from the ilio-tibial band; not something I wished to hear. So perhaps I didn't hear it after all.

Anyway, a big bright full moon welcomed my early morning run, but was too bright for the compact to get a decent picture.And when I got to the top of Maungawhau, I saw a dense, dark cloud bank on the eastern horizon. Thin slivers of golden light were visible near the top of the cloud bank. Views of a sunrise? Not a chance.

On the way back I did get a nice picture to satisfy my personally driven need to have a photo from my daily run.

S (mainly) and I spent the day (intermittently) clearing out the weed growth in the pots on the deck; sweeping up the dropped leaves and other detritus; end generally cleaning and tidying out there. Very satisfying, and we enjoyed a relaxing lunch in the sun.

We also enjoyed our evening meal on the deck; being of the carnivorous disposition, I prepared two pieces of steak to perfection (I was told), with mushrooms for me, and salad and potato for both. Accompanied by a very nice Mahurangi Syrah. As the meal ended, the sun dipped below the horizon.

I got my camera and a few minutes later took this; my first sunset of 2013.

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