Clark Tales

By cclark

Lockdown day 13

We feel like it's just a normal lazy Sunday today... Getting washing done. Lots of sofa time. It's not but it's nice that's what it feels like. 

At 1pm we had a Clark Family Zoom call. It went well with 4 households joining in and 9 of us on the call. Two couldn't get out of bed, Boy and Ryan of course. Baby Carson is 8 months old and just about crawling which is amazing. Before we know it we'll be watching him crawl just on screen...for a while. 

I also went out today to source a desk in B&M. I will finally be going back to work next week on a phased return after being off since the end of November with a horrendous vertigo type illness. Luckily it's subsided...a very odd time to be returning but it will be returning to work...from home haha. Managed to get a really big fold out desk. Really handy so it can just slide under the bed after. We already have one normal desk but no space for 2 and we'll both be working from home. Now just to source chairs?!?!? 

This evening we had 2 events. Firstly our Queen addressing the nation, featured above. Did have another great photo of our beer and cheese set up (more on that in a moment) but this is a special event to record, even if it is just a picture of a tele. I thought her message was perfect and hit the correct tone for this time. Correct Ma'am we will all meet again. 

After it was time for Grums purposefully delayed weekly pub quiz (to accommodate Queenie). Lb has been making a sour dough for 2 weeks. With the discard from the starter she made us some crackers, which we had with Brewdog Beer. We went to a Brewdog Beer school in Feb and had sourdough crackers with cheese then, so that served as her inspiration. She did well. They were fantastic. Can't wait to have them again and to share them... photographically. 

Just after the quiz we heard the news that the PM had been taken to hospital, planned they have said, on advice of his doctor and just for "routine tests" given he has persistent symptoms of Covid-19. I wish him all the best and am glad he's getting treatment. He has been looking awful and has had it for 9 days now. All my thoughts are with him and his family. 

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