Light and Shade

Over to Meg to The Folks today. On the way I decided to call at the Co-op, to get a couple of things I needed, but the aisle I wanted was all sealed off for replenishment so I left empty handed. That was Co-op visit 1!

Once I arrived at my folks' my Dad presented me with a shopping list. I waited a while before going though, as I knew from the previous visit that most of what I needed to get would be out of bounds. When I did venture there again I waited as long in the queue to get in as I ever have at Tesco! The fruit and veg aisle was open now, so I got all my Dad's shopping and three big jacket potatoes bagged up for quick sale at 40p for us - what a bargain! We had them for tea and they were as good as any I've tasted!

As soon as I got back my Dad said he'd forgotten to ask me to bring chickens to cook up for Ally so I had to go back to the Co-op for a 3rd time. I felt really embarrassed - I thought they might think I was one of those people who do several small trips instead of one big one just to give themselves an excuse to be out...

I washed up and did a few other little jobs. It was relatively calm and peaceful over there today fortunately. 

Ally is better with me these days - it may be to do with the fact that I bought a bar of doggy chocolate and give him a couple of squares whenever I go. It's a special treat he only gets from me so he has something good to associate me with!

Jae fetched me home, and I went out to our post office and Co-op. Not so hectic there! I got hot cross buns among other more basic bits, including some with choc chips for Jae as he doesn't like raisins etc. I also sent our old Sky box back to Sky! I discovered we still had it when sorting the front room out!

Brian wanted to visit yet another shop tonight - Heron! I went too to help carry the shopping and I took this photo on the way. I'm determined to be out considerably less tomorrow!! 

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