Adam's Images

By ajt

Not blue and not a bell

Back blip (catching up slowly!)

Odd sort of day. Work has gone from not a lot to do and worried about going onto short time and or furlough to very busy on a project and picking up several small tasks.

Today's blip isn't a bluebell for a change as I didn't go into the garden, and when I did find some time it was rather dark and late and there wasn't even a good view of the moon... Instead it's a shot of a rather large Concorde model we have acquired. It's rather a pain to photograph at the moment, so I took it at a rakish angle and then made it mono and then added some grain to make it a bit artistic.

I recently watched a documentary on Concorde on French TV and went away to read about it and I discovered the reason the French design for Concorde and the British designs were so alike and went on to become the Concorde we know and love is that the British government secretly passed the designs to the French government without the companies involved knowing what was going on, so in fact the French design was actually based on the British design to start with!

Amazing piece of kit, even if it was rather noisy, not very practical and an environmental disaster... Been under a real on a bus once at Heathrow, when one rolled out in front of my shuttle bus, and my mother-in-law has been to New York and back on one - which she rather enjoyed!

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