New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Isolation cycle

What a beautiful day to be in lockdown!  We started the day with a bike ride to blow out the cobwebs which was wonderful.  A bit of haze that started to burn off as we went.  Lots of joggers, fellow cyclists and dog walkers about today.  We cycled passed Penistone hill where many people were parked in 'creative' spaces mainly to walk their dogs.  We gave the hill a wide birth.  Great thing about being on the bike is that you can pass people wide and quickly.  Also great to get a bit further away from the house for an hour ish.

Stopped twice for a quick photo opportunity, felt like we were getting followed around by the police van who passed us three times, but it was good to see them out and about.  

Spent time tidying the house this afternoon and am now waiting for my apple cake to finish - happy to be back baking!

Hope everyone has as much of a good bank holiday weekend as you can under the circumstances.

Today's Soundtrack: Bad kids to the back by Snarky Puppy

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