New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Leeming etc.

The husband picked the route for our state-sanctioned cycle today, it was a lovely ride, but he went for all the climbs. I'll forgive him though, because just before the end of the biggest climb of the lot, we got this stunning view across Leeming and Stanbury. (He also blames me for the hills because I allowed him to choose the route.)

Before our one outing today, we had zoom guitar lessons in the morning and then I spent most of the day painting some of the fence.  One of our neighbours was also painting his fence and said that my choice of podcast 'wasn't very ladylike'.  I don't think he meant anything by it but am still not sure how to take it, he probably didn't realise that I'm generally not particularly lady like.  Made me smile to think that the husband was in the kitchen at that time baking biscuits...

Today's Soundtrack: Hardcore History by Dan Carlin (its been a podcast rather than a music kinda day)

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