New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Wabbit etc.

Had a bit of a moment today where I remembered to take the camera out on the daily bike ride, but totally forgot to stop and take a picture.  I chose the route today so it was slightly longer, but with less climbs.  Tried to find somewhere a bit quieter as we'd seen quite a lot of joggers, walkers and fellow cyclists on our route so far this week.  Apart from a couple of randomly busy stretches, today's cycle was fairly quite.  

I've spent the rest of the day in the garden painting the fence in the company of Shep who is a vert easy companion and undeniably the 'best pet' of the household.  So she gets the honor of being the first pet to appear in two blips.  Also featured, the plant pot with serves as a stand fro my bluetooth speaker so I can listen to unladylike podcasts,  last years kale from the veg bed with Shep enjoyed tucking into and the steps that I need to reach the top of the fence because I'm short.

Today's Soundtrack: Simplicity by Macroform (aka, the best hold music in the world ever)

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