As it is

By asitis

Yogi tried ballet #homeed

She's been keen to try for a while. Today was the first of two taster sessions I've set up for her to try.

She was high as kite beforehand, so happy, so keen to try. No nerves appeared, she skipped in full of confidence and introduced herself to her teacher, and then to her two classmates.

Throughout she smiled, skipped and worked to keep up, and catch up.

When the lesson ended she rushed to tell me how much fun she'd had, how much she wanted to return the following week. I think it was a success.

Monday we will try with a different group, and a different teacher. I'm worried Mondays session might be a bit 'flashier' and she'll be swung by the glitz, but I don't want to leap at the first class I find. I went to a truly horrendous ballet class, and then repeated that error with my eldest... I don't want to get it that wrong again.

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