Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 21 Good Friday

Yet another beautiful, sunny day. I can't believe how fortunate we've been with the weather so far during lockdown.
Despite it being Good Friday, Chris went to work as usual trying to keep on top of ordering the essentials for the hospitals. I did my normal routine of cycling (indoors), washing, tidying, reading, cleaning and I popped to Sainsbury's to get some essentials that we'd run out of as well as a present and card for my TA as it was her birthday today.
After starting the tea, we went out for a walk and I dropped the presents off outside Claire's house. When we got back I had an Easter gift bag that had been left by my friend Jo.
A dreadful number of deaths in the news today, standing at 980 for the UK, but these don't include community or nursing homes. American deaths were over 2000 in just one day. It didn't really feel much like the start of the Easter weekend today. My thoughts are with all those affected by this virus.

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