Leading the Way

This day in Sweden is called Långfredag, or Long Friday. Mum says that when she was little, all the kids were sure it was because it just went on and on and you were not allowed to play fun games or eat treats. 

It was not too bad here today. We joined many others in the sunshine in the oak meadows, and I could jump rocks which I consider a fun game and I got treats for doing it too. I just spotted a rock in this picture, which is why I’m urging mum to hurry up. 

Mum watched online services both from England and here. I’ve tried to understand why exactly this is important, and she says all church services are cancelled in real life, which is sad. I’ve been told Felix the rabbit once attended a church service, so I keep a lookout for animals. No luck so far. 

And oh! I saw the Easter Bunny on my bedtime walk! AND he had left small, brown tasty and dog-friendly presents! How about that!

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