Back at the Hermitage first thing this morning for my walk. I met the overgrown Scottie that I played with yesterday. Turns out he's not actually a Scottie but a Skye Terrier. He looks a bit like Dougal off the Magic Roundabout (if anyone else can remember that far back). Anyway he was just arriving in the Hermitage as I was leaving so I didn't get to play with him as I was getting put back on my lead when he was getting let off. Boohooo...............

The Hermitage was remarkably quiet this morning, though we did set out for my walk at 7.30am. Even so, there were still 4 cars parked at the entrance. The car parks have been closed but the entrance we went in today was on the street. What is it with people??? What part of, 'Do not drive to exercise', do people not get? Obviously trekking around the streets is not very exciting. We know. We do it.

This morning we spotted a mummy & a little person with a spaniel, parking up and then going for a walk. We did our normal circular walk and when we were walking back along by the burn we met the mummy & little person & spaniel. They hadn't gone very far. In fact Ann would argue that the spaniel would get more exercise if they just threw a ball for it in their garden. Anyway Ann had a bit of a chitchat with them (2m away of course). Turns out they go there everyday. No doubt in the car. But Ann wasn't brave enough to confront them on that one.

It is sooooo irresponsible going out in a car if it's not essential. When will people get that into their heads? It doesn't matter if you're only going a mile down the road to the local dog walking place. What happens if you have an accident during that 2 min journey? …...............It's just putting unnecessary strain on the emergency services. My human wants to come out of this lock down thing ASAP so is trying to abide by the rules. But it's not easy when a lot of other people seem to be breaking them. The parks/open spaces in Edinburgh have now put up signs telling people they cannot stop to eat or drink etc. (see extras). Not sure they're been adhered to but heyho, I'm guessing in a city, there's not enough police to move people on every time they sit down.

Anyway we could RANT about that forever, but won't.

On the way back from my walk we passed our little Sainsbury's. No queues. Yay! I'm getting used to being tied up outside shops now. Ann popped in because she needed bread. Obviously a few other things morphed into her basket and then she used the self-service checkout. She hates self-service check-outs but difficult times means she's learning new skills. Lol! Ann feels like she's doing her bit in tying in my walks with her shopping trips.

The message is simple – STAY HOME, SAVE LIVES.

...................And ffs don't go out in your car just to go for a walk. We all want to walk in interesting places where we can be let off our leads to chase squirrels & rabbits, but the stark reality is............................ If my human dies of Coronavirus, who would look after me? I'd far rather be kept on my lead now for a few months than end up abandoned and alone for the rest of my life.

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