Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

Naked Phiz

Should Hornie, as in ancient days
'mang Sons o' God present him
The vera sight o' Moodie's face
To ain het hame had sent him
Wi' fright that day.

Robert Burns The Holy Fair 1785

Not sure why, ( possibly because of the hospital consultant I saw at the "Enablement" Centre this week remarking on my "unkempt" appearance), but without making any particular conscious decision about it I found myself shaving off my whiskers yesterday. I've been wearing a beard for 25 years or so ( with the occasional experimental removal or reduction to moustache - followed by hasty regrowth) so it's a very long time since I saw myself in such a state of facial nakedness. I have no idea who this person is, except for the bits of my father he seems to be wearing. Not someone one would want to meet down a dark alley I think.

One things for sure, the long straggly hair will have to go too. Inspired by Kendall I think I might just go for the buzz cut.... although I have a pronounced "coos lick" at the front of my hair which just might look ridiculous that short.....ah vanity!

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