
By Colgaize82


I didn’t know how to react quite recently when a friend who I hadn’t seen for a couple of years told me I was a “shadow of [my] former self”. It threw me into a panic of: “why? How bad did I look before?”, etc..but I resisted the question & graciously accepted the erm,..compliment. I understood where she was coming from; I haven’t been as physically fit since my pre-child-bearing days & it’s quite nice when people notice the change.

It’s a strange compliment though- it almost suggests my former self was more significant & had more ‘gravitas’ somehow but again, I got what she meant. Lately, the shadows are with me but they’re not clouding me.

Today, I was delighted to be able to take this photo as often, when I’ve tried these clever shadow photos, I haven’t been able to get the angle right & the shadow isn’t adequately defined & clear enough to stand on its own.

Today it was & it was great!

Perhaps my shadow on the outside knew how clearly defined things feel on the inside.

I’m at peace with myself and long may it last! It made me think of Oscar Wilde: “Be Yourself. Everyone else is taken”.

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