Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 23 Happy Easter

A quiet Easter Sunday today. I really missed family members who we'd usually spend today with. We video messaged Matt and Dad and it was lovely to see them both. I don't think we've seen Dad for about 4 weeks now as he self isolated early on.
Dan made a beautiful lemon drizzle cake for pudding (see extras). He's enjoyed baking and cooking for ages and is in his element at the moment with all the extra time we have. I just need to get some plain flour from somewhere!
I spent a lot of time this afternoon reading in the garden and just relaxing. It wasn't as warm and sunny as it has been but we didn't have the rain that was forecast. Chris and I went for a long walk before tea and enjoyed the peaceful, deserted roads and paths. There were a few people exercising in the Quarry but the paths are so wide that everyone was able to keep a safe distance apart. Having time to explore, I'm finding parts of Shrewsbury that I've never discovered before. I knew that there used to be a ferry across the Severn in the Quarry but not where it was. We found the crossing point today and the big wooden post with a hook attached that was used for this. I've been past this loads of times before and never seen it! It's in the right in the photo. The other extra is a skyline view of Shrewsbury taken from the path at the top by Shrewsbury school.
It's been a different Easter Sunday to normal but a good one too.
In the news, Boris is out of hospital, deaths were down on yesterday but total deaths in the UK exceeded 10,000 for the first time.

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