Celebrating Easter in the Woods

This is the strangest Easter we've had in a while. Instead of going to church and visiting family, my husband and I went over to our local gameland 176, the Scotia Barrens. He jogged. I walked around and found a patch of lovely daffodils (yes, in the gameland!) to photograph.

The holidays grow odd as I grow older. On Christmas eve, we ended up in my home church (St. John's) graveyard with Tiny Tiger and a string of blue Christmas lights, gathering my family around, singing carols for my dead sister. I wouldn't say that I thought nothing could get stranger than that, but here we are.

Anyway, the church is NOT made of wood and stone - the woods and waters are a fine place to celebrate. And so I sat upon my rock and I sang my praises to the Lord. Here is a photo of the festive daffodils that I found, miraculously, growing in the wild on this special day.

Happy Easter!
He is risen indeed!

Here is an Amy Grant song from the 80s to go with this Easter scene, celebrated during coronavirus quarantine, in the wild woods and waters of central PA: Sing Your Praise to the Lord.

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