Rodents rule

By squirk


The nature trail along Norwood Park had a strong smell of wild garlic and white Spanish bluebells (whitebells?) were in full bloom. The sun was spectacularly red (see extra) when setting. A few people stood appropriately far apart to appreciate the view. Wondrous.

When we got home, I heard an "Oh no" in a strangled voice from Fred. From the tone, I thought it was an animal killed by the jaws of our pet and feared the worse. Luckily, the prey was still alive and active. Fred grabbed Juno and I set about trying to set free the bird. The cat had brought a magpie through the cat flap! Clever bird had wedged itself behind the large cactus – a perfect spiky defence against the feline. I opened the window, moved the cactus so the bird could escape and hoped that the magpie could fly. It hopped to the window ledge and took off to shelter in the largest tree it could find. Phew. Bloomin' cat but thank you Juno for not mauling it.

On other news, I finished the jigsaw that my parents sent me. It was a good one to do – a nice range of pieces and patterns.

I spent most of the working day in video meetings, which went well, thank goodness.

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