Toilet paper test -day

Our daughter and her student friends have decided to do a test among various toilet papers. Today she bought packets of four different toilet papers (or well, I did buy them as both of young ones needed some) and here is the test material. And pet gerbil Miisa as test consulent.
(My daughter took the pic and I took care of the consulent). Therefore there is now also a note list in our toilet, that we should add our opinions. Softness, color, thickness, price, patterns, consumption and also feeling as you blow your nose are mentioned as issues to be evaluated.

She also made a cake. And we had our son with his girlfriend visiting for dinner (smashed potatoes, smoked salmon and green salad), so we had also help eating the cake. Delicious, and not too sweet - pic in extra. Nice to have all the kids home for a while!

There has been quite much more happenings, as the daughter lives with us as a Corona refugee. Nicely so, however.


Ps. There is more Corona tests done now recently in Finland. We are allowed and free to move outdoors alone of with close family members. And shopping necessarities is allowed. But even going into supermarket for toilet paper made me think twice...
Anyway altogether 3064 tested and confirmed Corona cases, 59 deaths. I am worried about the situation, I must say. Even the low curve worries me. This is going to take time....

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