Candle of Peace

Monday 13th April 2020

Well, I am now on a staycation. I didn't set the alarm and when I did wake up I was awake about 10 minutes and then went back to sleep again. It was the phone that finally woke me and by the time I'd finished the call I was wide awake.

Before I got out of bed the doorbell went and there was a delivery. When I collected and opened it I was rather confused and had to look at the address to see if it had come to the right place. I discovered it was a gift from a member of the congregation - an electric candle lighter. I had no idea what it was at first. It took this photo as a thankyou card. I really liked the way it turned out. 

I did do a bit of cleaning/tidying but not much before I decided to take a bit of time to make my Easter Sunrise video. I got totally engrossed in that and felt thoroughly relaxed doing it so it ended up taking most of the afternoon. I was pleased with the result though, which can be found here - Video 

I did a bit of cleaning and tidying but then joined the family in an online game, followed by a couple of telephone conversations. 

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