living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Princesses and pirates

The kiddos were invited to a pirates and princesses birthday party for one of their friends (Liv) today. Chickpea chose to be a princess, not surprisingly. She had a great time being a princess for the afternoon. Apparently princesses eat a lot of cake and do a lot of dancing! At one point I noticed a very different kind of dance, the kind of wiggle that lets me know a wee is imminent so I rushed her to the bathroom. She said, "I don't need a wee, I need to DANCE!" Monkey was a cake- loving pirate. Pirates seem to do less dancing and more pillaging.

We didn't get any good shots at the party do to forgetting the flash gun (actually, less forgetting and more feeling like we'd look a bit silly with a flash gun at a children's birthday party). :( I hope the birthday girl had a wonderful day, we did!

Later we were talking about the things Chickpea wants for her own birthday party in a week. She said, "I don't want pink juice. I want pink pig juice, it is absolutely good!" ??????

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