Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


Today's walk was a somewhat shorter one than yesterday's, a mere 2.5km meander around Dennyloanhead. Some of the walk followed the route of the old Kilsyth to Bonnybridge railway line, but I deviated from that to walk uphill and along the edge of a field (free from grazing animals or growing crops) to get a better view of the surrounding countryside.

The white building in the left foreground (relatively speaking) of today's Blip is on the Forth and Clyde Canal, while the farm buildings at the top centre of the photograph are of Lochdrum Farm, which I passed on my rather extended walk yesterday (Sunday).

A computer day today, with updates to the Church website in the morning, a church Zoom meeting in the afternoon, and a Skype call with friends in the evening. Got a washing done. Made soup. Drank wine. Ate crisps.

Hope you have had a good holiday Monday, all things considered.

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