
By Veronica

A reminder of home

... the wild garlic is coming out.

We've just been out for the eight o'clock applause. The guy with the vuvuzela starts early now, to avoid being drowned out by the sound system. Listening more carefully to the opening anthem, we realised that it was Resistiré, (I will fight back), now the official anthem of coronavirus lockdown.  A quick google produced the lyrics, for the Spanish learners among you; it turns out it was actually written in the 1980s and has been repurposed. Here ends the Spanish lesson for today.

Oh, not quite ... we had our Skype Spanish class. Beatriz had asked us to watch an Argentinian film, Relatos Salvajes (Wild Tales), which is six short stories on the theme of vengeance. S watched all of them. I had to stop after number 3, because it was so gratuitously violent that I felt sick. Most of the reviews on IMDB comment on the black humour ... this one was just too black for me. Beatriz said she liked it so much she'd watched it twice. No accounting for taste!

It's been a lovely sunny day. Hurrah! Lunch on the terrace. S cooked old favourite, chicken pot-roasted with 50 cloves of garlic, appreciated by all of us including Mystère, even if it was a bog-standard chicken from Mercadona, not the Label Rouge we'd normally have used, and weedy supermarket garlic, not fat juicy pink garlic from Lautrec.. A salad of lousy supermarket tomatoes and burrata to start, and the remains of yesterday's loquat crumble to finish. We didn't eat till about four, so no need for any food this evening.

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