Supporting the NHS

A different representation of a rainbow! I noticed it today when I was on my way home after my run. I like it! And the NHS deserve it! We’ll be out clapping again tomorrow evening.

This morning I took the balloons from the “party” yesterday to Big Sis. It meant using the car so I took her some milk too. I told her I was outside and she came to collect the balloons that I’d put in a black sack to contain them, while I went to see her garden. Then we spoke very briefly, she from her upstairs window. Her garden looked so lovely in the morning light. She loves looking after it and I loved seeing it.

I got back to my sewing machine after lunch. It’s very therapeutic and gives something to show at the end of the day! Why do we feel that’s always necessary?? I wrote some letters too and got back to my knitting. No mistakes allowed this time! So far, so good...

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