Lockdown - Day 27

Today I braved the outside world! Didn’t go far, just took mum out for a stroll around the block, heading towards the Bluebell patch that provides me with a blip every year. En route I came across the scene in my first extra, Rhubarb Crumble for pud at the weekend! I was only out for 20mins but it was good to have a change of scene, especially on another lovely Spring day, reaching 21 degrees by the afternoon. Second extra is proof of my escape!

And now it’s time to head to the theatre, Treasure Island is this evening’s play, providing the internet doesn’t keep dropping out! Something else you might be interested in, following on from the National Theatre’s free broadcasts, Andrew Lloyd Webber is now streaming his musicals on YouTube, on Friday nights at 7pm. Disappointed that I missed Joseph, and Jesus Christ Superstar (each musical is only available for 24hrs in the U.K., 48hrs elsewhere), but tomorrow I shall be watching Phantom Of The Opera. More info here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdmPjhKMaXNNeCr1FjuMvag

On a more serious note, I found out today that our neighbour was admitted to hospital last night with confirmed Coronavirus. He is an ambulance driver, and is only a few years older than me. The street will be clapping for him this evening...

Please take care, stay safe and well...

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