
By Houseonahill6

In a flap

Hibernation day 26, lockdown23, shieldbug17
Windy and cold but brighter today. The pheasant and his two females are regulars to the garden again. They spend most of their time underneath the feeder scraping around to find any fallen sunflower seeds. The male is still displaying making quite a racket as he flaps his wings and squawks.
Saw my first swallow of the year. The robin was displaying too , rocking his head to and fro and the bluetits are still nest building.
The wind had whipped up the horses and they were having a wonderful time charging around the field.
The marigold seedlings are up already and the beetroot are looking good. Planted some more sunflowers and some Brussels.
My plants and compost arrived at 6.30pm. All looking good and healthy :)

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