
By Houseonahill6

Tug of war

Hibernation day27, lochdown24, shieldbug18
Sorry I’m behind but the weather has been lovely so I’ve been in the garden from down till dusk :)
A cold start but beautiful and sunny. I was straight into the garden.Planted some more broad beans into the tiny veg patch. Sowed some Brussels sprout seeds. Painted the potting table and some of the garden furniture.
The bluetits have been so busy building their nest.They have been taking in mainly moss and now taking bits of string from the top of the pea canes and strands of wool from the pieces I put out in a cage.
Saw the swallows again, lovely to see them swoop over head and hear their chattering.
I did go in and watch Captain Tom Moore complete his 100 laps of his garden. Amazing and emotional to watch , such a lovely chap and the great relationship with his daughter shone through.He was aiming to raise a £1,000, today’s total (Sunday) is nearly 25 and a half million !!!
Mike went shopping and we’ve now enough food for at least 10 days.He also picked up some hair clippers as the Barbers will be closed as the Lockdown will continue for at least another 21 days .
Phoned my Mum and Dad in the afternoon whilst sitting in the garden. They have not had rain for weeks so the ground is solid and my Mum is having trouble getting plants in and pulling weeds out.
We’re lucky as the soil is good here although the wing does dry it out.
Planted up another hanging basket with violas that I received yesterday and Mike came back with two hanging baskets full of yellow violas that will look lovely hanging on the arbour.

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