Clearing Clouds

I had a kind of photo centric day even though I didn't take too many interesting photos.

Had a nice zoom conversation with a photographer friend in Florida today. She's a former colleague and has since become a very talented wedding and event photographer. I've been having some issues with my Lightroom catalogue so we caught up, screen shared and talked workflow for about an hour. I got a few good tips for workflow moving forward and it was just nice to catch up.  Hopefully the next time will be across a table over lunch! For now, I'm afraid my Lightroom issues are self inflicted. :-/

I processed a bunch of photos today, trying to bolster my "Word Today" library and then I took the camera for a walk.  It was fairly cold and pretty windy, but as the wind was pushing the clouds away and the sun was coming out I snapped this blip. Better than snow!!!

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