Easter Cards

Handmade some Easter cards today to send friends. I managed to get a handful from the post office for family last week (while banking a cheque = essential task) but I ran out of cards for friends.

I cut up old greetings cards and made new ones. I hear the post is running fairly slow so they may take a while to arrive. Hopefully my friends will enjoy the surprise post. I just wish I’d get a letter back now and then. So few people send letters anymore.

I printed out children’s line drawings from the Royal Albert Hall for my bro-in-law’s brother’s children and my cousin’s children to colour in and sent them in brightly coloured Easter themed cards. I hope they enjoy them.

Some great news this afternoon my friend Claire is home from Guys Hospital and can spend Easter at home with her family and her best friend and detection dog Pal. I’m so happy!

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