
By atoll

A Kiss to all the World

I hadn’t realised that our National Youth Orchestra had encouraged all UK musicians, regardless of age or ability, to film and share themslves playing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 in their front gardens today. So it came as a surprise when we received a casual invite along to a few doors down to watch our very own road’s contribution to the so-called ‘Ode to Joy-a-thon’.

It didn’t last long at all, and anyway not many showed up, but it was still really nice to feel that there is always hope. However, myself, MrsB and Jay politely declined the naughtily offered refreshments from our friend Tony (we were sorely tempted but held steadfast in our social distancing).

As a translated line from the original Ode to Joy of Friedrich Schiller says: “This kiss to all the world!”

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