
By Colgaize82

On Mothering Part 2

This looks like the epitome of sisterly love and affection. I guess it is, for the moment in which the photo was taken in today but the truth behind this lovely photo of my girls is that their interactions with each other all day have been far from harmonious. They have challenged me on many levels with their constant squabbling and it angers me but paradoxically, fills me with relief: at least they’re healthy.

My Mum has said to me so many times: “you know, you have to pick your battles with your children” and she is so very correct. My eldest has kept appealing to me today: “why don’t you tell her off for that? I can’t believe she gets away with that” and so on.

I tried to explain Grandma’s teachings to her- of course, with my eldest being the paragon of virtue (aren’t we all?!) that she thinks she is, this little maxim doesn’t apply to her, personally (ahem, cough!)

The plain fact is that I can’t criticise my children for every little misdemeanour & slight error of judgement which they make because if I do, they would be left with no self esteem whatsoever. I’ve seen the damage that this approach can inflict: I’ve seen it in my work and I’ve seen it beyond that, too.

I hope however, that I’m not misunderstood here for being a woolly-headed liberal when it comes to parenting; I’m not at all. I have confidence in my firm but fair approach- my title of ‘strictest parent’ still remains intact and for that, I am proud.

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