Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 29 Finished painting

A depressing day weather wise after all the beautiful sunshine we've had and whatever I did, I could not get warm.
Today I glossed and the painting is finished. I'm so pleased that I've managed to squeeze in an extra room and couldn't believe how grubby the room was!! At the start of the week I thought it didn't need doing but it definitely did! I'm now just waiting for the new blind and the bits and pieces to make the coat hanging rail as I struggle to drill into one of the walls for some weird inexplicable reason.
After the painting and the exercise bike, I nipped to Sainsbury's for some essentials and then we had a walk before tea. Sainsbury's was busy and I had to queue up once again to get in. Stocks were low on many things and I struggled to get some of the things I needed.
In the news there are over 4.5 billion people living under lockdown restrictions in the world!! There have also been over 155,000 official coronavirus deaths worldwide. Shocking figures. The positive news is that Captain Tom, the WWII veteran, has now raised £25 million for the NHS. Wow!

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