A Day We Could Have Done Without

We spent most of the morning and early afternoon at hospital today. Not COVID-19 related thankfully.

Unfortunately Mrs madwill had a little tumble whilst out walking on Friday, bashing her face on the ground (honest, it wasn’t domestic violence). Yesterday she noticed little ‘floaters’ in one of her eyes and things seemed to be worse this morning. She phoned the 111 helpline and they advised her to get to A&E ASAP. So off we trotted to York hospital where I had to leave her and go and wait in the car. I drove her there as she thought (rightly) that they would be putting drops in her eyes, so she wouldn’t be able to drive home. A&E did lots of examinations and then sent her straight round to the eye clinic as they feared a detached retina. 

Three hours later, she returned to the car. Fortunately the clinic could find nothing untoward. They said that her brain will begin to ignore the new ‘bits’ in due course. 

Spent a little while in the garden looking for a blip and found this rather fascinating looking plant. I think it may be called wood spurge...but I have no idea if we bought it or if it is a weed.

COVID-19 stuff.

If you have a while this report makes depressing reading... how we got into this unholy mess due to the incompetence / inaction of the PM and government.

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