Tulips in Morning Light

I scrumped these tulips. Well, my neighbour is overseas and won't be back for several months. I'm sure she wouldn't want them going to waste.

A vivid blue sky with just a few clouds and no plane trails. A fresh easterly breeze but the sun was warm when it died down. It's freshened once more towards evening.

Between us, Len and I did the hoovering and washing of bathroom and kitchen floors. Len went through the house, plus doing the washing. This enables me to go out on photo walks.

Basil and I walked down to the meadow which is awash with dandelions. We met Joan and Peter, neighbours from two doors away on the way back who were looking for dandelions to put in their salads as there is so little salad material in the shops.

I didn't get time to do singing warmup and to sing a track for Gareth. Probably too late now.

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