
By fotoday


I only realised it was Sunday today when the Times came through the door. Days are beginning to merge. Not sure why we are still taking the paper as there is nothing in it and so few pages atm. Sports just 4 pages, travel just trying to make something up and the main body of the paper that news item I'm trying to avoid for a while !  It did contain some interesting reading though and if the accusations the Boris missed 5 consecutive emergency coronavirus meetings in February and that we supplied thousands of PPE to China are true then I think Boris needs to stay at Chequers in hiding for a while longer than planned.  

Today was hot in the garden, so I got changed into shorts and decided on a late afternoon for a walk. It became evident that we had been sheltered from what was a bitterly cold wind. I only got to Croots farm before I was cold and headed back.

I blipped this shire foal towards the end of March when she was just a couple of days old, don't they grow quickly !  I now know she is named Camilla and her mom is Nicole.

Younger son called for a catch up and he is going onto 80% hours which means he will get most of Fridays off and he is happy with that. This way he avoids getting furloughed which has a max pay cap and  the company gets the work done that is needed and reduces costs a little.

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