Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis,)

This is Lady’s Smock aka Cuckoo Flower because this damp living perennial blooms at the time when cuckoos can be heard on the spring air. There are certainly plenty to be heard around here.

I collected some volunteer support group leaflets by car and then Peter & I delivered them to local households on foot, which meant a nice but slightly chill walk through Goldings to the two selected streets and then alongside the river through Waterford Marsh.

By afternoon the temperature had risen so I did most of my physio exercises in the garden before sitting in the sun for WA video afternoon tea with Chris & George.

Next was a long catch up phone call to Amy whilst I got the ironing done, and finally a Zoom vidéo call with Mum & Dad and James and all of us. It mostly worked ;-)

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