
I must admit I kind of miss the old OilMan moniker, even though he now wants nothing to do with the oil industry. I caught him today as he was working very hard digging up agave plants and runners, and have decided to refer to him, at least intermittently, as SoilMan. Not only was he knee deep in it, he was liberally covered in it more or less from head to toe...

I am always suggesting that SoilMan might want to consider a shave, something he hates to do. He feels that he shaved  and wore a tie every day when he went to work, and now that he has retired, nothing will convince him to wear a tie, even if he owned one,  and he only shaves under duress. Now is the time, thought I, to try some reverse psychology and suggest that there was no time like the present to stop shaving. I thought he might find it itchy or realize it made him look like a bagman, but so far he's happy as can be with his scruffy beard, and I find it a bit endearing...

Requests for face masks are pouring trickling in, so I am trying to combine quilt design and construction with making masks. I could probably make the masks in my sleep but I have improved on the design a bit to accommodate John and Julia who have hearing aids and cochlear implants respectively. I love the headbands with buttons which I might adapt as my hair gets longer and more out of control, but John drew the line at that.

Today I happily listened to Malcolm Gladwell's podcast called revisionist history while I cut and sewed and made a huge clutter in what will have to become John's office this evening and our exercise studio tomorrow morning....

We enter our 6th week of quarantine tomorrow. As long as we stay in our little Wildwood bubble I have to say I am quite content. Life isn't that significantly different. It is only as I listen to the news or venture  past the end of our road that I am reminded that there is a disaster going on out that I can do very little about .

The big question is ...can anybody? I know a lot of people are working very hard on it. All I can do is be grateful for the health care workers and the scientists, our only safety net at the moment.

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