
By bananablip

Blossom update

I feel like days in lockdown should be dragging by but they seem to be flying by. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing.

This is pretty much the only picture I took today to show sakalasafari the progress on the apple blossom.

I did have a plethora of opportunities for wonderful, picturesque Shropshire landscapes today on my bike ride, but I’m trying to make my bike rides phone free, as it’s pretty much the one opportunity in the day not to be constantly attached to it (obvs I did have my phone with me - in case of emergency). I took inspiration from my brother today who managed a 32 miler early doors. I managed 31 but broke myself in the process. It was delightful to meander around some different routes though - passing schools and churches that I used to visit during my time in North Shropshire. I think I could probably find a new route every day in lockdown and still be surprised by Shropshire’s beauty. How lucky we are. It’s also utterly delightful that the roads are largely traffic free. I’m not looking forward to sharing them again!

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