Sang lustily on Day Twenty-seven

The day began with me participating in a paper review of the patients in the intensive ward. By telephone as I had yet to discuss my situation with the Unit Manager. The straight into a Zoom meeting with the rest of the Directorate Leadership Team. This was shorter than I had expected leaving me with over a half hour to deal with emails nicely separated into subjects by the DAMHS co-ordinator, who assists me.

One of the first I opened was from Occupational Health. Informing me that they had considered my self report (a personal health questionnaire), and had looked at what my work is. They have instructed me to work in non-clinical areas of the unit, or at home. What I had already been doing. 

Therefore no return to the wards to see patients directly. Instead, I attended the weekly multidisciplinary meeting of one of the four clinical teams in the unit; by Zoom. I felt a bit more useful. I'll have to work out different ways to keep myself engaged, as a day of purely meetings and dealing with correspondence (as today ended up being) is not what I want.

Came home, changed into my gear for a walk  (my day-clothes went into the washing machine), and headed out for a walk. Coming along Crummer Street on the last leg, I heard a tui making a wonderfully melodic sound, interspersed with the graaks and the like that tui enjoy. He (I think) was easily spotted in a tree near the footpath, and was unfazed by my presence and allowed numerous photos. 

That he was frequently all puffed up, suggests his singing was truly lusty. I didn't see the target of the singing, however.

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