Day Twentyeight; Over the Northwestern Motorway

After the morning discussion of the plan for the patients in the intensive care part of the unit, I had time for a bit of email before the national DAMHS meeting. The Director of Mental Health chairs this group, which is very varied. Although most of us are psychiatrists, there are other professions represented. Many are also the DHB Director; happily I am not. The most interesting thing for me from today's meeting is how a number of the DHBs (including us) have responded to the challenges created by the lockdown, and the consequent changes in general medical and surgical service provision. Especially the Emergency Departments. 

There are probably as many names for what has been done as there are DHBs who have established a safe place separate from ED where patients can be assessed, treatment started, and admission avoided. All those DHBs reported today that they have occupancy rates of 80% or less of maximum. There is wide variation in the precise way they work, but work they are; other DHBs are struggling with full units much the same as what has become usual.

A bit of clinical work, and a lot of meetings. Home on my bicycle, and then out for a walk along the Arch Hill Reserve Walkway, which runs in regenerating native bush beside the Northwestern Motorway. That is where I saw the motorway information sign which is today's blip.

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