Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

All work and no play....

makes TMG a busy boy. Yes, that is the story of my life. I am super busy at work, and it is a good thing. I hate slow days where the hours drag by.

The genesis of this shot was a recent meeting. We were discussing some marketing stuff and I happened to look down at my metallic pen resting on my notebook. I liked the reflection of the bookmark ribbon in the pen and thought that it might make an interesting macro shot. When the time came for shooting, I included actual notes for visual interest. In case you are wondering, this is a real task list in my notebook.

The funny thing about the shot is that I took in a small kitchen at work. I chose the location because it was next to a window and thus provided good light. Inevitably, random people came in for coffee or drinks and gave me odd looks. I discussed what I was doing with a few and they were very interested. Who knows, maybe I will get some blip converts!

I like the reflective nature of the pen and how you can see the ribbon reflection and, if you look carefully, the checkboxes as well.

No Photoshopping here, just basic saturation, contrast, brightness and white balance.

Constructive criticism always welcome.

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