Day 37

Took a shot of three visitors to the garden today. A sparrow, A ring necked parrot whose neck I would like to wring and a bird I cannot identify but may be a thrush
A fairly busy day today. We went to Costco which wasn't really very busy but still took an hour. They were doing take away coffee so I bought 2 and we sat and drunk it in the car before heading home. I managed to get compost and 12 impatience plants. ^ of which went in the back garden and tomorrow the rest will go in the front for a splash of colour. Took a few more box plants out and there is about 6 foot left now.
I want to order some plants from Wisley as they deliver to our post code but cannot find their online catalogue . Every time it redirects me to the RHS web site who are not accepting deliveries after a certain time each day. have emailed them for a link to the site.
Usual 3pm Canadian phone call. Matt has his last exams tomorrow and back on rotation on 30th April.
Thank you for all the birthday greetings for my daughter yesterday. They got up late and had a leisurely breakfast before heading off to the shop for a really busy day.Then they had a BBQ for dinner in the evening.
Thankfully antibiotics are kicking in quickly but have given me an upset tummy. Nothing new there really.

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