Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Stocked up ...

This groundhog day existence continues ... I had to be reminded yesterday to send my shopping angel a list for this week; today my larder is restocked for another week and so we go on. Actually, today felt very busy - apart from taking delivery of and washing all the groceries you can see on my worktop, we spent half an hour in the front garden chatting to the shopping angel who had a tale to tell: she'd almost reached the front of the supermarket queue at 9am when suddenly a large queue of putative pensioners and vulnerable people formed on the ramp (as opposed to the stairs) and  were admitted ahead of her queue. This went on for some time before the person on duty at the door decided that some of them were at it, and let our angel and several other original queuers in ...

After that excitement, and coffee in the front garden to escape the smoke created by a neighbour's utterly thoughtless garden rubbish fire, we had another live chat, this time with the neighbour on the other side. Two real people in one day! As well as this, a FaceTime with my pal and the baking of a sourdough loaf for lunch took us into the afternoon. We fitted in a bit of gardening (and watering!) before a walk round the houses again before dinner. And then there was a church vestry meeting by zoom in the evening ...

So not much time to think. Today's good news was surely the start of human testing of a vaccination in Oxford, and the publication of the Scottish Government's plan for the next phase of infection control and easing of strictures. No blinding proposals for our imminent release, but a sense that here is a government who is prepared to talk to the people sensibly and soberly. 

Blipping my kitchen worktop groaning under a vision of plenty. How do two people eat all this stuff?

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