Our Harmonium

Today has been a very busy day, involving firefighting events.

I received a call from an old client who we carried out some quite complicated restoration work and structural strengthening work on a retaining wall which had shown signs of imminent collapse.

Our actual involvement was fairly minimal and the bulk of the design work by a Structural Engineering firm that we have used for many years.

Apparently the mutual wall between our clients property and his neighbour had collapsed. He quickly reassured me the work we had done was fine.

I gave him the contact information for Scott, the structural engineer who would be able to advise.

Unfortunately, the builder firm we had employed were currently working in Poland.

Also, with the current lockdown in place actually getting someone to do the work might be difficult.

I will call Scott on Monday to follow up.

A very pleasant afternoon spent in the garden waging war on the brambles.

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