By lizzie_birkett


Today has been wall to wall sunshine and no wind! 
After morning walkies up Haw Lane - where this little robin posed beautifully - Frank nipped to the boat as he had forgotten the details of the paint for the roof. It needs painting badly. He sanded and covered any small rusty areas with red oxide the other day so it is already prepped. The rust is not the actual roof but more from things that are on the roof like the metal gangplank which he will replace with an aluminium one.

I spent all day potting on and planting out. At last the kitchen worktop and window sills are emptying. I filled flower boxes between Bob's and our yard with French Marigolds and blue Lobelia. Always a good combination I think. I also sowed nasturtiums, planted out spinach seedlings and pot marigolds.

I think I should have had my sunhat on because my face is quite red and feels hot!
Once I get working I forget about sunburn and tea breaks. :-[]

It's just gone 8pm and I feel ready for bed but I must stay up till at least 9.

Stay safe Blippers and other readers!


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