
Friday 24th April 2020

A couple of phone calls to prep services this morning. Then some proper deep tidying, a couple of jobs that have needed doing for a long time - one tidy and organise cupboard in the study. A good job done, but still only a small step. 

I still had a headache this morning so I forced myself to go for a bike ride this afternoon. In the tidying up I had "found" my compact camera and had charged the battery, I had also found a memory card I didn't realise I had. I decided to take the camera on the bike as it is easy to carry. First photo I tried to take when out I discovered why I had founded a card I didn't know I had, it was broken!  Back to the phone camera. I managed to capture this little seed in mid-flight, it was lovely to watch it float around, unattached to anything. 

Managed to do a few hours this evening on the big job I was doing before Coronavirus started messing things about. It took me a while to remember how to do things! 


I caught a fairy in flight today,
not bad for the phone.
And as I watched,
she danced and twirled around the leaf in the sunlight,
then launched herself off again,
like a little helicopter, on her journey to explore further.
Up and down, round and round,
the light catching the feathery strands of her dress
and glowing golden from her feet.
A tiny beauty and yet often unwanted where she finally lands.
What detail there is in creation.
If God cares so much for the wildflowers
that are here today and gone tomorrow,
how much more will he care for us his children!

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