
On my way up to the allotment I saw something dark lying on the pavement, possibly a garment that someone had dropped. As I approached, a magpie flew down and had an exploratory peck. As I got closer I realised that it was a crow lying on the path - surely it must be dead? Even closer and I realised that it was two crows lying on the path, entangled in some way, and the one closer to me was definitely breathing. Panting, even. I had actually got the camera out and switched it on, but....with a terrible cawing they somehow detached from each other, levered themselves airborne,  and flew off! I'm so sorry I didn't get a pic! A couple (of humans) walking up the other side of the road joined in the chorus of 'Bloody hellfire! What the f*ck was that?'.

I dunno. Here, have some of Stef's gorgeous apple blossom.

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