Life's tangled skein

By atp

I'm Not A Pheasant Plucker

This is one of the worst photos I have ever put online! But there's enough of a story behid it to justify its position.

This morning, I was sorting out breakfast for the kids when I happened to look out of the window into the back garden. There - large as life - was a pheasant! He was wandering around quite happily on the little patch of grass we have the gall to call a lawn.

Of course, I grabbed the camera and loosed off a couple of shots of the bird. But I had no idea of how dark it really was. This one was 1/10s, f/4.6 at ISO400. I'm delighted to have managed to get anything that was vaguely recognisable as a bird at all!

He (or she) stayed around for a minute - just time enough to grab a camera with a longer zoom but not long enough to use it - then flew up onto the roof of the shed, before disappearing into a neighbouring garden.

So, lousy shot - but I've got an excuse for it!

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