
By simisue


We often pass this house when we walk Angus & Scout.  The first time
we approached this house, Angus stopped in his tracks & growled, because he had never seen a cat before. He then explored it & realized the cat is a statue & now totally ignores it.

After this happened, I began to notice we do not have outside cats in our
neighborhood.  This is for a very good reason:  we live in a neighborhood that is surrounded by mountains & open space that is populated by a variety of wild predators including a robust population of coyotes.  

The most favored food of coyotes is rabbits & there are huge numbers in these hills.  Coyotes' next favorite food is cats & the occasional small dog.
Domestic pets don't have a chance against these wily canines who hunt in packs.  Those of us who have dogs, are very careful to keep our dogs safe.
Coyotes are afraid of people because they have been trapped & poisoned for many, many years, but they will jump a fence to attack a dog in a yard.
We live in their home territory, so we accept that predators are in our midst. We have seen them while walking & heard them behind our house, calling to their pack.  I have seen them cross the street, not too far from this house.  They are like a puff of smoke- -you see them & then they disappear.
We have never been attached by a coyote, but it happens- -rarely.

Those of us who have cats, keep them indoors. There is no other solution.
And the song birds thank us.  

Because Angus thought this statue was a real cat, I am wondering if any coyotes have wondered onto this street, from the nearby hills, & 
had a rude awakening, that this cat is not on the menu.

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