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Dear Diary,

How I love it when the Purple Finches return.  They have been back a week or so but I wasn't able to get a close-up of one.  So nice of him to pose next to two Yellow Finches on the feeder.  Contrast is everything as my practice yesterday reminded me.  I saw Horatio Hare in the front yard too but I was too slow to get his picture.  I hope he is summering under the potting shed again.  AND, I saw a red squirrel a couple miles down the road from my house so I have my fingers crossed he may find his way here.  A great start to the weekend!

DAY TWENTY FIVE: Our normal, everyday lives tend towards being myopic, with little awareness of depth. We usually see about 18 inches from our noses, or 30 feet if we’re driving. We spend a lot of time looking at screens and our eyes are suffering because of it.  Just as moments of presence give your mind a rest, looking into the distance gives the muscles of your eyes a much needed rest.  What does depth feel like? Well, genuine depth perception is felt in the body. This is the heart connection at work. Today, take a few moments throughout the day to look up and into the distance. Give your eyes the rest they need. What do you see?

My photograph yesterday for contrast is here...

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