Quest for the Black Grouse

(Tetra Lyre in French and a much more romantic sounding name). Extra to show the circular white tail in the competing pair, a long way away so well cropped.

Every spring I go out at dawn a few times hoping to photograph these elusive birds. The spring "parades" of the males hoping to attract females are spectacular but so difficult to find. As these are a protected species, only about 300 males in our Canton of Vaud, you also have to be careful not to disturb them. So this morning's sightings of 3 males was such a thrill even if the sky was grey and the snow had melted. Usually they display on an "arena" of relatively flat snow. This one was showing his beautiful plumage from a high point between two valley territories, so some females were bound to notice him.... not just me and Josiane!

Thanks to everyone who loved yesterday's marmots which are now sitting on the first popular page.

Hope you are having a good weekend, we just had a few minutes of rain! It is about 6 weeks since we had any at all! What a relief that there is more to come.

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