
By Saxysax

Birthday Boy

Today Barley is 1! He has been sung to a number of times which makes him very excited, he has been dressed up in a cape and a headdress, had a number of treats and even a mud pie birthday cake (which he tried to take a bite out of).

Z has had a training day today, she has been locked away for most of the day on video.
Q is very tired at the moment and it has not brought the best out in his temperament so he decided that he wanted to play in his room for most of the day.
Indie and i have played in the garden, done (so many) puzzles, listened to music and generally kept each other company.
I am very pleased because i managed to sort out the gardens watering system which we inherited when we bought the house.  Every spring it takes me much longer than i expect.  I also managed to start some weeding which i never intended to do, but sort of started and out of nowhere i have managed to add a very time consuming job to the list.

Z in good spirits following her course today, it sounds as if it was very nourishing and mentally stimulating.

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